After retiring, Gates will remain chairman of the Microsoft board of directors and its largest shareholder. 退休以后,盖茨仍然会是微软的董事会主席及公司最大的股东。
Zhou's father Yang Guoxing, chairman of the board of directors of the company and a real estate tycoon in Nantong, said his son fulfilled his responsibility as the head of the company. 周江疆的父亲杨国星是该建筑公司董事长,也是南通市房地产大亨。这位父亲说,作为公司的负责人说,他的儿子履行了自己的职责。
Chairman of board of directors 理事会理事长董事会董事长
The chairman of the board of directors of a corporation. 公司主管组成的董事会主席。
InfoQ analyzed the announcement, reactions, and spoke with Kevin Harvey, Chairman of the MySQL board of directors, to learn more about this deal and what it may mean for the future. InfoQ分析了这次公告及其引起的反响,并访问了MySQL的董事会主席KevinHarvey,以更深入地了解这次的交易以及它对未来的意义。
The salary of the factory manager ( or the general manager or the chairman of the board of directors) of the private enterprise may be defined no more than 10 times of the average salary of the staff and workers of the enterprise. 私营企业厂长(经理或董事长)的工资,可以在本企业职工平均工资十倍以内确定。
Liu Ming, Chairman of Board of Directors, also President of SHG, welcomes customers from home and abroad to develop business and cooperation with SHG. 山东宏诚集团有限公司董事长、总经理刘明热情欢迎国内外客户前来洽谈业务与合作。
"If the chairman of the Board of directors is unable to perform his duties for a particular reason, the vice-chairman or another director designed by the chairman presides over the meeting." 董事长因特殊原因不能履行职务时,由董事长指定的副董事长或者其他董事主持。(董事会)组长、资深董事
The chairman of the board of the directors ( general director) presides over all the meetings of the company and monopolizes the power of personnel management. 董事会如公司的董事会董事主席(董事长)主持公司的一切会议,总揽公司的人事管理权。
The Immediate Past Chairman shall serve as an Officer of the Board of Directors and shall have such powers and duties as the Board of Directors or Chairman may assign. 上届主席应当担任董事会的一名高级职员,并且可以拥有董事会或主席委派的相关权利和职责。
Am a chairman of board of directors in the home, I, but just commander of a "light pestle" just, the old daddy is just householder, but mother just keep house. 在家里,我是董事长,但只不过是一个“光杆司令”罢了,老爸才是一家之主,而妈妈只是管理家务。
"Where a limited liability company has a Board of directors, shareholders 'meetings are convened by the Board of directors and presided over by the chairman of the Board of directors." 有限责任公司设立董事会的,股东会会议由董事会召集,董事长主持
The Chairman shall preside at all meetings of the Board of Directors and shall cast the deciding vote in the case of a tie. 主席应当负责主持所有的董事会会议,并且应当在票数相同的情况下,投出具有决定性质的一票。
Walter Kwok, the eldest brother and until yesterday chairman and chief executive of Sun Hung Kai, had sought an injunction from the court as a last-minute bid to stop the company's board of directors from voting to remove him. 三兄弟之中的大哥、截至最近还是新鸿基地产主席兼行政总裁的郭炳湘,从法庭寻得一份禁令,以期在最后关头阻止该公司董事局投票罢免他的职务。
The Chairman of the Board shall be the principal official of the Corporation and shall, subject to the control of the Board of Directors, have general supervision over the affairs of the Corporation. 董事会的主席应当是公司的主要的行政官员,并且,应当使董事会服从管理,对公司的所有事务有一个全面的监管。
The Chairman of the Board of Directors was mandated to evaluate the most suitable ways and methods to protect the company's interests. 主席在董事局的任务是评估最适合的方式和方法,以保护公司的利益。
The chairman of the board shall convene and preside over the meetings of the board of directors and inspect the implementation of the resolutions of the board of directors. 董事长召集和主持董事会会议,检查董事会决议的实施情况。
The share certificate is signed by the chairman of the Board of directors and sealed by the company. 股票由董事长签名,公司盖章。
In the absence of such a designation, the managing directors or the directors shall elect from among themselves an acting chairman of the board of directors. 董事长未指定代理人者,由常务董事或董事互推一人代理之。
If the chairman of the board of directors is appointed as the chief representative or representative, the letter of authorization shall be signed by no less than two members of the board of directors of the enterprise. 如董事长任首席代表或代表,其授权书必须由该企业董事会两名以上董事签署。
The Chairman shall become a voting member of the Board of Directors of the Corporation. 该主席将成为一名行驶投票权的公司董事会成员。
Ex.: chairman of the board of directors has the final say in this matter. we're not entitled to decide. 例:这事情还是得董事长拍板,我们还没有这个权利。
Power to bind the company: The company shall be bound by the signatures of one manager jointly with the chairman or the vice-chairman of the Board of Directors or of two directors jointly. 以电力驱动的绑公司:公司将是藉着一位经理的签字共同地以董事会的主席或副会长范围或二位指导者共同地。
Appointment letters and documentary evidence of the investor's designated chairman and members of the board of directors, managers and technical managers etc.; 投资方拟派出的董事长、董事会成员、经理、工程技术负责人等任职文件及证明文件;
In this part, the dissertation thoroughly discusses the size, the structure, the professional committee as well as the selection mechanism of personnel and the chairman of board of directors. 在本部分,文章对董事会的规模、构成、专业委员会的设置以及董事的选任机制、董事长的确定方式等进行了深入探讨。
Results of auditor change tests show that firms with smaller size of independent directors or in which the CEO and the chairman of the board of directors are held by the same person are more likely to change to a smaller auditor rather than to a larger one. 通过对审计师变更的检验发现,独立董事比例越小或者存在董事长和总经理兼任的情况,公司越有可能将审计师变更为更小事务所的审计师。
Makes the chairman ( General Manager) has relative to other members of the board of directors a greater influence. 使得董事长(总经理)具有相对于董事会其他成员更大的影响力。